NV was founded in 2003 with the aim of leading each client company towards an excellent model of Supply Chain and Operations efficiency. The core business of the company focuses on the constant innovation of consulting and training services which have gradually evolved from Lean Manufacturing towards the more complex approach of Digital Strategy and Smart Innovation. NV is a partner that operates internationally and leads its customers to improve their competitiveness in critical and constantly evolving market scenarios.
Thanks to this wide-ranging approach and this far-sighted vision with a focus on Lean Manufacturing, since 2007 NV has consolidated its position as the main external partner of WCM (World Class Manufacturing) through FCA - WCM Training & Consulting, with an ever-increasing number of interventions worldwide. The progressive development of methods, tools and standards in the application of both WCM and Lean & Smart logics, has allowed NV to boast excellent performances and results over time and to meet increasingly ambitious challenges in many strategic market sectors worldwide. .
NV for World Class Manufcturing 
The discipline of World Class Manufacturing appears first time in the early 80s as collection of Best Practices, mostly coming from the Toyoya Production System. Only many years later the WCM assumed a higher role in the global community, when, about 10 years ago, at that time Fiat Group Automobiles adopted the WCM Program to create a new way to be competitive in Manufacturing. The WCM was thought as a breakthrough experience and a WCM Association was created attracting more and more the interest of many multinational organizations belonging to different businesses
Strength Points
• Global coverage

• Excellence in applications of Lean/WCM

• Results demonstrated on field

• Tangible value added for the customer autonomous to follow their own path of continuos improvement
Would you like to optimize your business methods? 
We can help you empowering your business
sharing with you our experience

New Value Group s.r.l.   |   Sede operativa: Via delle Tre Ville 79, 50013, Campi Bisenzio (FI) - Sede legale: Via Pier Capponi 32, 50132, Firenze (FI)
P. IVA 01912190970 - REA FI547638 - Cap. i.v. € 32.000
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