Towards a lean conversion

If in NV we deal first of all with Lean Transformation, that is to say that precise strategic choice which, starting from the analysis of the corporate status quo, is aimed at a substantial change in its modus operandi in every area, we like to combine this activity with the of Lean Coaching, that action of accompaniment to that transformation process that must necessarily start from the enhancement of the work of each individual resource: it is in fact also the Lean Coach who, in synergy with the Lean consultants, has the task of guiding the customer from a present perceived as inadequate and dysfunctional to the desired future (corporate vision). Providing such support in all the different business activities and at all managerial and operational levels therefore has the objective of developing the skills necessary for optimizing the professional performance of the individual as well as of the entire business system. However, improving things or even changing them is never a simple operation since it means questioning structures, balances, behaviors and processes that have been consolidated for some time, and precisely in consideration of this, the Coaching approach inherent in the methodological approach of Lean Manufacturing finds its success above all in its ability to listen to all the individuals involved and to work on their potential and possible resistances in a gradual, progressive and harmonious path. Lean conversion is in fact by its very nature a collaboration between all the personal resources involved in the path, in which each must be guided to find their own motivation to act, their role, their space for improvement and their intimate satisfaction. . Everyone in the company must therefore be given the opportunity to perceive their own value in contributing to the final result with their creativity and proactivity, so much so that an optimal result can be achieved at a general level, only if one focuses on the continuous learning of the individual. participant in the process and daily and systematic training will be stimulated, with the consequence that in the end it will be the company subject who will derive the maximum benefit from it. As Taiichi Ohno pointed out with his famous phrase “One of the main causes of Toyota's success is to always look like itself. Trying to become like Toyota, absurdly, we move further and further away from it ", in what is properly defined Lean Journey, a real journey towards corporate excellence, that process of emergence of the exclusive peculiarities of a company must be facilitated. company, pruned from all those disturbing elements hindering the real and only solution towards its self-efficacy and its efficiency in all its areas. 

Lean Coach

A skilled and competent Lean Coach facilitates, guides, supports the client towards his own innovation and emancipation, taking into account that if individual mobility is not caused, there will not even be corporate mobility and that if the whole path towards change it will be based only on technical rather than motivational acquisitions, any investment made for this cause could be completely in vain.


Just as the Lean Transformation technical project makes use of a previous analysis tool of the "current state", in the same way to start a Lean Coaching path on the human resources involved in the project itself, reference is made to a preliminary Assessment that goes to investigate parameters related to the personal and collective experience of people, i.e. an initial assessment of the starting condition of how the change decided by the company is perceived by the individual and the team.


The Lean Coaching dedicated to the human resources involved in the Lean Transfromation project, is directed by a precise methodological choice based on the combination of the Coaching approach (invidual + team / group) and the learning model that refers to the most current paradigm Constructivist, that of David Kolb (experiential learning), with the aim of synergistically exploiting the potential of both approaches and enhancing their respective pluses to the advantage of the final result.
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Making up a changement culture

The first condition sine qua non for a coaching intervention is that on the part of the client there is a need for conscious and self-determined change for which assuming all responsibility. The coach can operate only and exclusively in front of a coachee open and ready to concretely plan actions that lead him from a dysfunctional state to a new and more effective one; the possibility that he encounters his own limiting beliefs or internal resistances is not excluded, but the guidance of a trained coach will help him to overcome all his obstacles for the positive achievement of the final goal.
Our coaching interventions focus on four key areas:
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Soft skill

Effective internal communication creates complicity between employees in the policies and strategies adopted by the company and disseminates the identity and values ​​of the company to make it clear to everyone where you are going, how you are doing it, but above all why. The training session is therefore aimed first of all at adequately informing all the resources involved on the objectives and implications of the change process underway decided by the company, then at highlighting the transversal skills necessary to facilitate that change and finally to create individual responsibility for the success and evolution of the process itself, each contributing to the achievement of ROI. The development and training path of Soft-Skills in support of Lean therefore includes three steps, all equally essential for a change promoted, implemented and maintained: Adequate information of all the resources involved on the reasons and objectives of the decided process Constant training of personal / collective potential and soft supportive skills Accountability at all operational and managerial levels on the maintenance and further evolution of the final outcomes
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Train the Trainer

The training session is aimed at developing classroom management skills and operational sessions on the job for the future role of facilitators in the Lean Transfomation program that will affect the plant. At the end of the training session, participants will be able to: - Recognize the conditions of effectiveness of a training session in terms of effective relationship and communication - Recognize the main characteristics of adult learning - Experiment with training skills with reference to the methods of managing the session, interacting and relating to the participants
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Leadership management

Each organized group experiences a long "forming" phase in which the group's objectives and individual needs are compared. The tasks of the leader and those of the members of the group are to define a goal, clarify roles and skills, identify resources and tools and set the rules to consciously and synergistically achieve the objectives defined by the company. In this phase, the conditions are created to build a team capable of facing obstacles positively and that knows how to question itself in the search for alternative solutions as well as to develop characteristics such as resilience and proactivity necessary to become a leader and guide of an effective and winning group. Our emotions are written in our history and we are often urged to deal with an inner script that refers to our limbic memory and that spontaneously prepares the behaviors to be implemented in specific situations. Knowing these reactive mechanisms more deeply helps us to grow as conscious leaders and therefore to exercise greater empathy towards the other and better assertiveness in interactive communication.
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Team Building

If the first purpose is to create a team that, through the awareness of motivations and emotions, can successfully face business challenges, a fundamental element that strengthens the cohesion of a group is undoubtedly adherence to the company's objectives; it is in this sense that it becomes functional to let people experience an educational experience that consolidates the sense of belonging to the group as well as to the company, allowing the strengths of the individual and the group to emerge and allowing them to experiment, express themselves and operate on two levels parallel and interdependent e - doing together (working together to achieve common goals) - being together (sharing the vital space, time, emotions for the need to establish meaningful relationships, socialize and collaborate)
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